Friday, June 4, 2021

A Long Overdue Update

Haven’t posted anything here in quite a long time, but figured it was time for an update. After all, it was three years ago today that it all began. Erin was talking to Jack’s pediatrician on the phone. Jack had not been feeling well, and they had gotten back results from the blood tests that they had run a few days before. She said we needed to take him to the emergency room and have him admitted. Immediately.   

If you are reading this, you likely know that Jack was diagnosed with leukemia, and has been undergoing chemotherapy ever since.

In addition to the ordinary physical toll that chemo takes, there have been other consequences along the way: He had to wait an extra year before pursuing his studies at Miami (Ohio) University. Then, after finally getting to go to school for a little over a semester, all students were sent home during his second semester due to COVID. This past academic year, students were allowed to return to campus, but because Jack is immunocompromised, he had to continue taking classes online from home.

We are so proud of him as he has found ways to involve himself in various campus organizations long-distance during his first two years of college, and has managed to earn a 3.95 grade point average, even amidst the physical and mental rigors of chemotherapy.

Now, at the three-year milepost, it is starting to feel like he is turning toward the homestretch of this marathon. Chemo is scheduled to continue until mid-October, when, Lord-willing, he will get to ring the bell signifying the conclusion of his treatment. Despite a lot of hiccups along the way (especially in the first year of his treatment), Jack is right where he is supposed to be at this point. Please be praying for his continued physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It has been a long, hard race, but the Lord has held him throughout, and we look forward to his continued care.

Please be praying for Caroline, as well. One of the memories forever burned into Pete's consciousness is that of picking her up at school that day (she was finishing up 8th grade) and having to tell her the news about her brother. We couldn’t be more proud of the smart, kind, talented, wonderful young lady that she has become since then, but it definitely grieves us that her entire high school experience so far has been marked (and to some degree, overshadowed) by the events that followed from that day. We truly hope that her senior year can be all that she dreams of and more.

Thank you all for your love, your support, and your prayers. We can’t wait to celebrate with you in October!