Wednesday, May 15, 2019


We are very happy to report that Jack’s counts are slowly coming up. Yesterday, his platelets were high enough to start the next phase of chemo but his ANC wasn’t quite there. He goes back in tomorrow (Thursday) to see if his counts will finally be high enough to have a spinal tap and chemo.

We have not received the bone marrow biopsy results yet but Jack’s doctors are thinking that his low counts these past few months might be due to a rare reaction to a medication he was previously taking. Jack would be just the third reported case to have low counts due to this medication. He is testing all the skills and wisdom of his nurses and doctors but we are so grateful they have been up to the task. These past few months have been frustrating and scary but we are really hoping Jack will soon be back on track.

Please pray that he will be able to start this next phase of chemo, that the side effects would be minimal and that his counts would be able to recover better during this treatment phase.

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