Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Six Months

It’s hard to believe. In a strange, inexplicable way it seems like it wasn't that long ago, while at the same time feeling like it was forever ago. It was exactly six months ago today though, that Erin got a call from Jack’s doctor, telling her to take him straight to the emergency room at Hurley Medical Center, have him admitted to the hospital, and don’t take NO for an answer.

While we knew Jack hadn’t been feeling well (and had some blood tests done a few days earlier as a result), we had no idea how serious it was. And we certainly had no idea what we all would experience over the six months that would follow.

We’ve hurt, we’ve wept, we’ve pleaded for mercy. We’ve felt unbelievable love from family and friends, who have constantly lifted us up in prayer and demonstrated their support in numerous other ways, as well. We’ve met and become friends with other families whose children also have leukemia. In this, we have become a part of what one of these dear new friends has rightly called, “the very best family you’d never want to be in.”

Today, six months after we first showed up at Hurley, Jack was admitted to the hospital once more. After having six unscheduled visits throughout the summer and into the fall, this is his third consecutive time being admitted that was planned. Like his last two times at the hospital, he is getting a heavy dose of chemo that requires him to stay in the hospital for three or four days.

So as we sit in Jack’s hospital room and wait for the chemo to arrive from the pharmacy, our main prayer requests are as follows:
  • That the treatment would be effective in bringing permanent healing to Jack.
  • That side effects of this round would be minimal. (especially  no mouth sores) The last week or so, Jack has probably felt as good as he has at any point in the last six months (seven, really). It would be so nice if he could continue to feel good, especially as his friends begin to return home from college for Christmas break.
  • That the timing of the fourth and final round of this phase would be such that it doesn't land him in the hospital for Christmas.


  1. Praying for Jack. Good to have seen him Sunday.

  2. Prayers in those named areas! Thank you for your updates! May you find rest and strength and peace!

  3. Lifting all of you up and sending love from Webster....tears are rolling down my cheeks as I consider your journey these last 6 months. May the peace of God settle on each of you and may your hearts be encouraged and strengthened by the beautiful gift of Advent and the truth that He understands.

  4. May the Lord give healing, Pete. Thanks for the update! Eileen

  5. I will join you in praying for these requests.

  6. Praying for God's Grace,Comfort,Healing,and Love
